This PHP script displays snow telemetry data from the BC River Forecast Centre
for all current (as of December 2016) Automated Snow Pillow sites in British Columbia.
The CSV (comma-separated-value) data files are formatted into tables, times are converted from UTC into PST, and English equivalents are provided for metric units.
Up to 4 sites can be displayed in parallel, and either the last day or all available days can be shown (only the last 7-8 days appear to be available online, unfortunately).
PHP script by Amar Andalkar, January 2010 (current version 2.1 of 04 Dec 2016) http://www.skimountaineer.com/
Telemetry Sites to Display:
Squamish River (Upper) 3A25P 1387 m (4550 ft) 50.156° N, 123.436° W
Located 11 km (7 mi) WNW of Mt Cayley and 45 km (28 mi) NW of Mt Garibaldi
Date |
Time |
Temperature |
Rain Gauge |
Snowdepth |
Battery |
(PST) |
(°C) |
(°F) |
(mm) |
(in) |
(mm) |
(in) |
(cm) |
(in) |
(V) |
Page History: |
January 2010 | 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.3 |
Original version, based on the telemetry section of the
Mount Garibaldi WebCams webpage,
showing BC River Forecast Centre data for 2 sites
Added the capability to show up to 4 sites in parallel, and to display data for either the last day or all available days
Expanded the list of sites to include all 14 telemetry sites in southwestern BC
Added the option to show a regional map of telemetry sites
Added links to the List of Telemetry Sites to easily show groups of nearby sites with a single click
October 2010 | 1.3.1 | Updated URL for data files which had changed over the summer |
March 2011 | 1.3.2 | Added "nowrap" to table cells to fix unwanted line-breaking in dates when viewing multiple columns on narrow screens |
December 2013 | 1.3.3 | Added "nowrap" and light grey background to table header cells |
January 2014 | 1.3.4 1.4 1.4.1 1.5 1.5.1 |
Minor improvements to column headers, and improved error checking for invalid dates in BCRFC data files
Expanded the list of sites to include all 51 current sites in British Columbia, and simplified the page layout
Added thin dividers between each day if viewing All Days, reduced cellpadding in data tables, and displayed site elevations in the List of Telemetry Sites
Added the option to show the SWE graph for the current water year below the data table for each displayed telemetry site
Revised the page layout to move the selection menus for displayed telemetry sites above the data tables, and added regional dividers to the selection menus
February 2014 | 1.5.2 | Displayed site names and codes in the page title |
February 2015 | 1.5.3 | Displayed the data file URL, and updated all URLs to point to the new BCRFC website |
January 2016 | 1.6 |
Expanded the site list to a total of 64 sites, including 12 newer sites installed since 2012, plus 1 older site (Kinaskan Lake 4D11P) re-established after a 5-year data outage
Note that a few sites (Disappointment Lake 1D18P, Granduc Mine 4B12P, Kwadacha River 4A27P) may now be defunct, but are retained in the list and still have graphs showing historical averages
February 2016 | 2.0 |
Heavily revised and modified to more closely match the style of GetSNOTEL.php, GetMesoWest.php, and GetCDEC.php, including a plain option for use in BC MtnWebCams pages
March 2016 | 2.0.2 |
Improved the plain display to more exactly match the style and spacing of GetSNOTEL.php, GetMesoWest.php, and GetCDEC.php, and added accurate latitude / longitude values for all sites
December 2016 | 2.1 |
Expanded the site list to a total of 72 sites, including 8 new sites installed in 2016, and also 2 reinstated sites (Granduc Mine 4B12P, Kwadacha North 4A27P) which had remained included here