Skiing the Muir Snowfield (June 1997)
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Reina Carrying Skis
Skiing Past the Marching Ants
Higher and Higher We Ski
Almost to Camp Muir
Camp Muir At Last!
Volcanoes on the Horizon
Rocky Pinnacle and Moon
The Camp Muir Hut
Preparing to Ski Down
Skiing Down from Camp Muir
Carving Below Rainier
Skiing Towards Paradise
Camp Muir provides overnight accomodations for over 100 climbers each night during the peak of the summer climbing season. The building nearly buried in snow to left is a hut which contains bunks for about twenty climbers, available on a first-come basis. The guide service has a couple of huts of its own for paying clients, while the rest of the climbers must set up tents along any available square of flat ground. The building just to my left is a solar-powered outhouse with composting toilets, needed to maintain sanitation in this sterile environment far above treeline.
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