Skiing the Muir Snowfield (1999 & 2000)
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July 25, 1999 _
View of Rainier through Trees
Bill Climbing the Muir Snowfield
Bill and Dave at Camp Muir
Bill Boarding beneath Rainier
Bill Boarding below the Icefall
Dave Carves a Turn below Rainier
Dave Boarding the Waterfall

April 8, 2000 _
View of Adams and St Helens
Rainier from Glacier Vista
Matt Climbing Muir Snowfield
Amar and Matt at Camp Muir
Matt Boarding Muir Snowfield
Matt Carving a Turn
Muir Snowfield Panorama

December 3, 2000 _
Matt and Micah Skiing Up
Adams with Lenticulars & Sun Dog
The Circum-Zenithal Arc!!!
Rainier Lenticular Clouds Panorama
Adams with Sunset Glow
Matt Boarding at Dusk
Micah Skiing into the Sunset
That's Bill climbing the Muir Snowfield, with a train of other skiers and climbers stretching upward in the distance. Bill looks somewhat lightly laden, doesn't he? Well, I was skinning up on my trusty randonnee skis, carrying his snowboard on my pack, since it was his first time doing this sort of thing. I happened to be in fairly good shape then, since I had just skied from the summit of Rainier two weeks earlier.
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