Skiing the Muir Snowfield (1999 & 2000)
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July 25, 1999 _
View of Rainier through Trees
Bill Climbing the Muir Snowfield
Bill and Dave at Camp Muir
Bill Boarding beneath Rainier
Bill Boarding below the Icefall
Dave Carves a Turn below Rainier
Dave Boarding the Waterfall

April 8, 2000 _
View of Adams and St Helens
Rainier from Glacier Vista
Matt Climbing Muir Snowfield
Amar and Matt at Camp Muir
Matt Boarding Muir Snowfield
Matt Carving a Turn
Muir Snowfield Panorama

December 3, 2000 _
Matt and Micah Skiing Up
Adams with Lenticulars & Sun Dog
The Circum-Zenithal Arc!!!
Rainier Lenticular Clouds Panorama
Adams with Sunset Glow
Matt Boarding at Dusk
Micah Skiing into the Sunset
Matt makes some uneaasy turns on the Muir Snowfield beneath the towering mass of Gibraltar Rock at upper left. Amazingly, Matt had only learned (taught himself) to snowboard a few months before, and had less than 10 days of lift-served experience before this trip, so he was doing remarkably well.
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