Skiing the Pacific Ring of Fire and Beyond
        Amar Andalkar's Ski Mountaineering and Climbing Site
Ski Mountaineering Photos & Trip Reports Equipment & Info Cascade Volcanoes Ring of Fire Site Map

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  Nevado Huascaran
  Nevado Solimana
  Nevado Coropuna
  Nevado Hualca Hualca
  Nevado Ampato
  Nevado Chachani
  El Misti
  Volcán Tacora
  Nevado Sajama
  Volcán Pomerape
  Volcán Parinacota
  Cerro Acotango
  Volcán Guallatiri
  Cerro Aucanquilcha
  Volcán San Pedro
  Volcán San Pablo
  Volcán Licancabur
  Volcán Acamarachi (Pili)
  Cerro Pular
  Volcán Llullaillaco
  Volcán Antofalla
  Nevado de Incahuasi
  Nevado Ojos del Salado
  Nevado Tres Cruces
  Cerro Cazadero (Tipas)
  Monte Pissis
  Cerro Bonete


| The actively-steaming Volcan Guallatiri from the north
(photo by Oscar González-Ferrán)   <click to enlarge>

Volcán Guallatiri
    19918 ft (6071 m) .
Location: Cordillera Occidental, N Chile near Bolivia,
95 miles (155 km) east of Arica
Lat / Long: 18.4° S, 69.2° W
Volcanic Type: Stratovolcano
Volcanic Status: Active, last eruption 1960
First Ascent: Friedrich Ahlfeld, 1926
First Ski Descent:
Skiable Vertical: ?

A brief description of Volcán Guallatiri will be added here soon, along with a topographic map.
More photos and info about routes, access, etc. may be added in the future ...

Previous Page (Cerro Acotango) | Volcán Guallatiri | Next Page (Cerro Aucanquilcha)
North America | South America | Asia | Oceania & Antarctica | Beyond the Ring | Volcanic Seven Summits | Volcano WebCams
Ski Mountaineering Photos & Trip Reports Equipment & Info Cascade Volcanoes Ring of Fire Site Map

Amar Andalkar   Seattle, WA, USA   <About the Author / Contact Me>
All material on this website is ©1997-2024 by Amar Andalkar unless otherwise noted.
Page content last modified: Monday, January 5, 2004
PHP script last modified: Tuesday, February 4, 2020